Let’s start off by saying it’s hot in the South.
I know there are people who embrace sunny days and sandy toes, and I hear you, I get it, and my kids get it. Hence, tiny painted toes paying tribute to our family’s pets (courtesy of a doting Nana).

And of course, I adore starry nights, blazing bonfires, but I will not lie. Fall is my favorite. I know, I know, extended time with kiddos, rocket pops delivered to the front door, and the always awesome library summer reading program, but I adore fall.
Even though I have a love for all things fall, my family reminds me there is much summering to be had. So let’s go ahead and have it.
Sullivan Summering
My girl and her friend held a lemonade stand.
Despite lots of waving and yelling, “Get your ice cold lemonade! Lemonade! Lemonade!” (these pleas for customers were equivalent to hot dog vendors at professional baseball games) most cars drove by.
I tried my best to give fast moving cars the stink eye, but because these obviously very busy people were driving so quickly, they didn’t see me.
Then out of nowhere heroes arrived.

Yep, the guys who pick up our recycling pulled their giant truck over, chatted it up, and overpaid for two glasses of warm lemonade (let me remind you, it’s hot in the South). As the girls’ first customers were pulling away, one of the men yelled to the guys on the garbage truck which happened to be coming up our hill, “Hey man, stop and get some lemonade!”
That’s all it took. The girls officially had a second set of customers.
Community is made up of a whole lot of people. It includes people who often go unnoticed. Glad these guys are a part of mine.
Additional Sullivan Summering Looks Like This
Sharing about Gutsy Girls, Corrie and Betsie ten Boom with a gaggle of kiddos including this crew. It should be noted these children are world renowned question askers.

Flying away to work and taking my kids along to visit the above mentioned Nana. Chicago, Chicago, I love you so.

Starting an online book club for moms, grandmas, teachers, and friends who are interested in books for girls ages toddler to teen. Consider yourself invited. Every Monday we discuss a new book and every Wednesday the author of the book pops into our group for a visit. Join us here.

Beaching it. In North Carolina, the beach means the Atlantic Ocean. However, I know the beach to be Lake Michigan. Here are my kids. Shutting down the beach.

Having the husband declare this our new song. This is us not at the beach, but at the ocean. You see how that whole beach vs. ocean thing works? Does this only make sense in my head?

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What’s filling your summer days? Are you spending time at the ocean? The beach? The backyard? The office?
Much love, friends.