Question and Answer posts thrill me. Let’s catch up, shall we?

Reading: Lately, many of my writerly friends have been pubishing books. This is excellent news for you because I get to share new messages and beautiful stories. Brenda L. Yoder’s new release, Balance, Busyness, and Not Doing It All, contains a message women need to hear repeatedly. Live in the now, make ample room for Jesus, and resist society’s push to make busyness an idol. Brenda’s book is practical, interactive, and encouraging. Brenda is wise but never preachy, and she gently reminds readers of the importance of intentional living. If this sounds like a book for you (or someone you love!), scroll your little self down to the comments and tell me why you would love a copy.

“In the Western cultures, working equals worth, which equals worthiness. The idea that your worth is defined by doing something is a cultural principle, not a biblical one.” ~Brenda L. Yoder, Balance, Busyness, and Not Doing It All
Playing: With this cutie at a local animal shelter. How can you call time with this dog volunteering?

Watching: We have three months of free HBO. I don’t need to expand. I know you are feeling me.
Trying: To stay up later. How do you late night people do it? The only thing I want to do when I stay up late is eat cereal.
Cooking: Grilled chicken bacon sliders. The Pioneer Woman never ever lets me down.
Drinking: English Tea Shop White Tea. Is it weird that I like this tea because individual bags come in adorable triangle boxes?
Pinning: Images to go on my board entitled Bookish.
Doing: Behind the scenes work for the release of Gutsy Girls: Strong Christian Women Who Impacted the World (September 21, 2015). Stay tuned. If you preorder a book or order a book before September 25th, you will be awarded some shockingly fabulous, free loot.

Going: On fairy hunts in back of my house. When you have a daughter who is six-years-old, you get to hunt for fairies. I will let you know when we catch a fairy. They are fast little guys. Also, when you have a daughter who is six-years-old, you get breakfast in bed, and it looks like this:

Texting: Beverly Ann Wines. She is the illustrator of Gutsy Girls. Here she is working on a piece of shockingly fabulous loot we are giving away for the book release. Let me introduce you. Bev, I’d like you to meet everyone. Everyone, this is Bev. I know, I know, she does look sixteen.

Loving: Socality Barbie is an Instagram feed which pokes fun at the “authentic” selves we share on social media. This will leave you giggling.

Hating: That our summer series #StrongGirlsCan is ending. It’s not over yet. Not yet, but almost.
Smelling: Giant, weird, and super stinky mushrooms which are popping up all over my yard. How do they grow so fast overnight? They aren’t there in the evening and the next morning, poof! A giant, stinky mushroom. Mysteries of the South #321.
Thanking: God for a husband who cheers me on and also thanking God for the middle school cross country team which has been a positive experience for our oldest.
Considering: Purchasing a new Bible. Any favorites? Last year Genesis and Exodus feel out of my Bible. Now the entire Old Testament up to Ruth is missing. I am bad with change, but it may be time.
*Giveaway will close on 9/16/2015. Congrats to the winner Chris from Mom Cafe!
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Your turn! Tell me some of the things you have been considering, thinking, loving, or reading or better yet, tell me why you need Brenda’s book and about the busyness in your life. I will pick one lucky winner, and sweet Brenda will send you a copy.