When we ask for help and work with others for the Lord’s calling, we open doors that might have been impossible to open alone. God rarely has a solo plan for His work, and our lives intertwine with other Christians so that we all can draw from each other’s strengths. —Dianna Stone
Do you see these girls?

They are helping me with this little ‘ol community event.

The smiling faces pictured above keep me sane by telling me things like, “I found a facepainter!” and “You need to find a way to get into the venue earlier!” and “We cannot fit that many balloons in my car”. They have pushed me to ask for help when I would rather dig my feet in and do it all myself, and they show me again and again people aren’t put out when you ask. Instead, they are excited.
The Family Volunteer Fair is a celebration of community, love, and this book, the one which releases in 18 days. The one Kendal and Lori tell me to mention, but not yammer on about (as no one likes a yammering author).
I will not yammer. I will not yammer. For crying out loud the thing releases in 18 days. I will not yammer.
Should you find yourself in western North Carolina on September 27th, stop by our event. We have local nonprofits (HandsOn, ABCCM, Girls on the Run, Project Linus, Shortbus Studio, The Bair Foundation, and Sweetwater Youth Ranch). These organizations are excited to share about their missions, and they have even brought family friendly serving activities kids can participate in on the day of the event. The event open to everyone. It’s going to be grand. For crying outloud, there’s going to be a candy bar. We hope to see you there.
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Are you interested in ways in which you can help spread the word about the new book, but you aren’t sure how? Check out this post on 45 Ways You Can Help Authors.
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