See these two.

They wrote this book.

This book is important to me for many reasons, but get ready, I’m going to throw out the top eight reasons I am excited about this book. Hold on to your hats. Old school picture approaching.
Reason #1 The author is my forever friend.
I’ve known one of the authors since I was eleven. She is my oldest friend. I can tell you what her favorite TV show was in sixth grade. Answer: Mickey Mouse Club House. Obviously. Hello, young JT.

(This is us when we had long, shiny hair, and we enjoyed spending our days hanging upside down on couches. You are missed, 1992.)
I can tell you about the special treat Lori’s father cooks up in the kitchen. Answer: sugared pecans. Delish. I can tell you how Lori’s family strung Christmas lights. Answer: Vertically instead of the round and round fashion.
I can tell you I knew Lori would write as an adult because she wrote as a tween.
Reason #2 This book = bravery.
The authors, Lori and Steven, get candid about their relationship. Putting your thoughts and flaws out there for everyone to see? No thank you, says the girl who is a big believer in whisper yelling in public places.
Plus, as most books do, this book has a history, one you can’t find in the illustration on the front cover or within the contents of the pages. This book was a finalist in a contest, which took the authors all the way to California. This book helped introduce the authors to the big names in writing, and in the end, this book was the book which pushed Lori and Steven to make decisions about writing on their terms. That’s bravery.
Reason #3 This book will make you laugh.
Finding out about Lori’s fears of me being a crazy-polygamist-family-butcher makes me laugh, but I get it. —Steven McClure
Reason #4 This book will make you think.
Learn to love your choices. If you can’t learn to love them make new ones. —Lori McClure
Reason #5 This book will remind you God gives us goodness and sometimes that goodness comes in the form of other people.
We don’t deserve any of the goodness in our lives, but goodness we have nonetheless. God has seen fit to shower down upon us in sheets of wonder…—Steven McClure
Reason #6 This book will make you go “Awwwww”.
I feel really bad for all the women here. It must be hard for them when you are in the room because you’re so beautiful. Maybe we should leave so they don’t feel so bad. —Steven McClure
Reason #7 This book challenges readers to love and love well.
Love is out there for us all, and sometime it’s waiting on us to open the door. —Lori McClure
Reason #8 This book mentions me in the acknowledgement section.

Me! Me! See my name, it’s right there. Right where you can see it. A-M-Y. That’s me. I made it. Envision me twirling an imaginary lasso around my head and dancing about my house.
: :
Thanks for reading about my Fabulous Finds of the week. Tune in next Friday for more, and while you wait on next Friday, why don’t you click here and check out 15 Ways to Make Love Impossible.