Amy L. Sullivan
author, creator, idea enthusiast
Gutsy Girls. Real women, real stories.

Real Women, True Stories
Gladys Aylward: Missionary
As soon as I started reading this book, I knew it was a godsend to a generation of young ladies desperate to know that God still can and will use them for great things. In Gutsy Girls, Amy L. Sullivan does a magnificent job of sharing the true story of Gladys Aylward and how a nobody by the world's standards turned out to be one of the "gutsiest" women ever. Gutsy Girls truly is a clarion call to our daughters to be courageous world changers. This book needs to find itself on our daughters' nightstands everywhere! —Kristi Bailey, homeschooling mom of four, former public school teacher, and Administrator of the North Point Homeschool Co-op
Corrie and Betsie ten Boom: Evangelists and Heroines
A tidy and appealing book. Our visitors love it. —Frits Nieuwstraten. Director of the Corrie ten Boom House Foundation
I stumbled upon this series, and I am so glad that I did! My family has enjoyed it so much. Additionally we just used one the books for a Book Club with thirteen young girls, and it was an inspiration. To top it off, we contacted Mrs. Sullivan and she went above and beyond to encourage these young gutsy girls. What a blessing! I highly recommend any/all books from this series as vibrant, well-written and illustrated additions to a child's life that will encourage in matters of faith, courage, and purpose! —Mother and Book Club Hostess

Fanny Crosby: Hymnist
Amy L. Sullivan does it again! My three girls have every book in the Gutsy Girls collection. These inspiring books not only encourage my daughters, but me, to follow the example of these strong Christian women who shared the gospel despite obstacles and sufferings. I've recommended Gutsy Girls to friends, acquaintances, teachers, and my daughter's school library now has copies. The delightful illustrations and the rich vocabulary will draw Gutsy Girls, young and old, deep into the message of the "strong, Christian women who impacted the world." Girls will conclude that they, too, can rise above challenges and glorify God.
—Melanie S., mother and elementary school teacher
Dr. Jennifer Wiseman: Scientist
While the rest of the Gutsy Girls series focuses on well-known women from church history (Gladys Aylward, Corrie ten Boom, and Fanny Crosby), this newest volume is different in a few respects: Dr. Wiseman is not a figure from church history (yet), but a living woman. Her work as an astrophysicist isn’t what most would consider missions work, yet she works among many who consider science and faith incompatible and argues graciously that they are, in fact, deeply compatible. What we learn from scientific study isn’t meant to refute or prove God’s existence but to teach us more about Him.
—Théa Rosenburg, writer Big Story, Little Book and editor Deeply Rooted Magazine
This story about Sojourner’s life is the perfect way to introduce her to young readers. My six year old and I read this book together and both of us learned so much. The illustrations are bright and engaging. The writing is fantastic. This book is one that comes to life as you read it. No bland historical bio here. This book would be a wonderful addition to any library whether that be home, school, or county! As a matter of fact, I’ll be requesting my county to purchase this series for check out. I want it in the hands of as many readers as possible! —Thompson Family
I like this book because I haven’t learned a lot about Sojourner Truth in school. I think she is interesting because she grew really tall in a few years, had a very big shoe size, and knew Abraham Lincoln! —Allie, age eight