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Amy L. Sullivan
author, creator, idea enthusiast

Amy L. Sullivan
When More is Not Enough: Generous with Prayer
Around these parts, every Monday during the month of November, I invite a special guest to share, and we focus on a new chapter in When...

Amy L. Sullivan
Don’t Microwave Egg Rolls: Good Things Take Time
I thought of you and where you’d gone and the world spins madly on.—The Weepies I wanted an egg roll, but I didn’t want to wait. So I...

Amy L. Sullivan
Catching Up: Fall, A Coveted Award, and a Living Nativity
Well, hello, fabulous readers. Since the transfer to the new website, there’s been an issue with email updates, and now that it is...

Amy L. Sullivan
A Grant for Kids Who Want to Make a Difference: Start a Snowball
Kids have the best ideas. When my daughter said she and a friend wanted to create a nail polish stand to raise money for a local church,...
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Amy L. Sullivan
Fabulous Finds: Week 3
See these two. They wrote this book. This book is important to me for many reasons, but get ready, I’m going to throw out the top eight...

Amy L. Sullivan
Mark Your Calendendar and WNC Family Volunteer Fair
When we ask for help and work with others for the Lord’s calling, we open doors that might have been impossible to open alone. God rarely...

Amy L. Sullivan
On Death and Dirt Bikes
We went to visit family this weekend. Camping on Labor Day weekend with the Virginia cousins has become an annual tradition, but instead...
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